This City, His City (Facebook Page)
LTM is blessed to be near Harrison, Ohio where all the churches in the area work together to spread the Gospel. This is the main goal of This City, His City. Pastors in our area meet together monthly to tell how God is using them in the community and tell how they could use support. This City, His City often hosts events where all the churches in our community are able to work together.
Reach Out Pregnancy Center
LTM is dedicated to protecting the lives of the unborn and helping the parents in any way we can. This is why we partner with Reach Out Pregnancy Center. The mission of Reach Out Pregnancy Center is to save the life of a child by caring for the mother, helping at-risk families thrive, and bringing the Gospel to the parents.
Answers in Genesis
AiG is one of the largest Young Earth Creation organizations in the world. They uphold the authority of God’s Word in every aspect of life. LTM supports AiG in multiple ways. One of the main ways we support them is through volunteering at the Creation Museum or Ark Encounter. If you are interested in our next volunteer trip, please contact us.
Bibles 4 New Believers
Around the world Christians do not have access to the Bible. B4NB is working to change that. We have partnered with B4NB to help raise money to send Bibles around the world. When you visit our church, you can pick up a Bible bank, which is a box designed to look like a Bible with a hole in the top to drop change and dollar bills. You can then return the bank when you are done collecting money or if your bank gets full, and it will be sent to B4NM. At this time, it takes an estimated $7 to send a Bible overseas. We welcome you to join us as we work to send the Gospel all over the world.
Operation Christmas Child
Our church is proud to join thousands of other churches across the nation in helping send hope to children in third world countries through Operation Christmas Child. Throughout the year we gather basic necessities of life such as: toothbrushes, soap, washcloths, pencils, cups, bowls, utensils, etc. Then in October/November we put the items in shoeboxes that will be sent around the world. There are several ways you can help us. 1. Our shoeboxes are plain white and need painted. If you or someone you know, love painting or coloring this is a perfect job for you. Just come on a Sunday service to pick up the boxes and bring them back when you’re done. 2. Donate items. Most of the items we collect can be found at the dollar store. If you are able to donate any new items, we would greatly appreciate it. 3. Help pack shoeboxes. Every year in early November, we have a church packing day. We invite you to come help us pack. If you have any questions or want a complete list of items we need, please contact us.
World Bible Quiz Association
LTM believes greatly in building a strong foundation for our youth, which is why we participate in Bible quizzing. Each year WBQA chooses a book of the Bible. Participating youth then study a few chapters a month. They meet together with churches all over America to quiz on the studied material. The program is for anyone 21 years of age and younger. If you are interested in joining our Bible Quiz team, please contact us.
Voice of the Martyrs
VoM is an organization that helps persecuted Christians in other countries. Whether it’s feeding them, giving them Bibles, or teaching new Believers, VoM’s main goal is taking the Gospel where most people cannot go. LTM supports VoM both financially and by sharing their message. The first Sunday of November is Persecuted Sunday at LTM. This is the day we remember our persecuted brothers and sisters through Christ in other countries.
Youversion Bible App
Youversion is the most popular Bible app ever created having passed 500 million downloads in November of 2021. They currently offer the Bible in 2,630 different translations in 1,759 languages. They are joining IllumiNations to translate the New Testament in 99.9% of the world’s languages by the year 2033. Our church often does Bible plans as a community on the Youversion app.