Guest Speaker Requirements and Policy for Liberty Temple
Liberty Temple greatly appreciates anyone considering speaking at our church. Below is the policy that we, as a Body of Christ, have adopted to guarantee that guest speakers and our congregation are of like mind and faith.
Revised January 13, 2023.
1. In the case an individual is not the Lead Pastor of a church, we may request permission from their pastor before scheduling them for a service. This is mainly to ensure that no unintentional division is caused in the Body of Christ.
2. We do not require guest speakers to have any formal education or be a certain age (Note: College students, or even high-school students, are welcome to speak at our church if they meet the requirements.) We believe God can speak through a person regardless of gender, and will allow women to preach. We wish to assist anyone who wants to share the Gospel.
3. These are core doctrines that all guest speakers of Liberty Temple must adhere to: We believe that the Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word of God, and should be interpreted as literally as possible. (2 Tim. 3:16-17) There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (Mt. 28:19-20) In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:1-3), in His virgin birth (Mt. 1:18-25), in His sinless life (Heb. 4:15), in His miracles (John 21:24-25), in His vicarious and atoning death, in His bodily resurrection (I Cor. 15:3-4), in His ascension to the right hand of the Father (Acts 1:9). In the imminent, personal, and premillennial Second Coming of Christ. (Mt. 24:42-51) (Note: Due to the divisiveness interpretations of the Second Coming may cause, we request any guest speakers wishing to speak on the topic, talk to our Board prior to their sermon). The only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious blood of Christ. (Rom. 6:23) In the resurrection of both the saved and the lost, the one to everlasting life and the other to everlasting damnation. (Mt. 25:31-46) Gender is God-assigned at birth, and cannot be changed. (Gen. 1:27) Marriage is between one naturally-born male and one naturally-born female. (Mt. 19:5) We are to flee from all sexual sins. (1 Cor. 6:18) Life begins at conception. Therefore, abortion is murder and an abomination to God. (Ex. 20:13; Ps. 139:13-14)
4. These are also core beliefs of Liberty Temple. While we believe the following are Scripturally proven, and are true, we do not require guest speakers to adhere to them. However, opposition to these doctrines are not to be preached from our pulpit: We believe in the Pentecostal baptism of the Holy Spirit initially shown by speaking in tongues. (Acts 2) We believe that God created the universe in six, twenty-four-hour days approximately 6,000 (six thousand) years ago as the Bible teaches. (Gen. 1) We believe that the Noahic Flood was global and occurred as Genesis describes. (Gen. 6-9) We believe that women can hear from God and should be able to preach. (Acts 2:17) While we believe that salvation is a free gift from God and we cannot earn it, we also believe that it is possible to backslide from the Christian faith after receiving salvation if an individual deliberately turns away from God. (Heb. 6:4-6)
(Note: Our full statement of faith can be found at
5. Guest speakers may be denied based on sexual orientation, unbiblical beliefs, or other reasons given by the Church Board. Any guest speaker is to be approved by the Church Board.
1. A guest speaker may plan for between 15-45 minutes (longer if approved ahead of time or Spirit-led) for their message.
2. They should dress appropriately. We request that guest speakers wear at least “business casual” while delivering their message. Missionaries, who wish to wear the clothes custom to those whom they are serving, may do so with prior notification.
3. (When applicable) They should be prepared to answer any questions about their ministry.
4. Guest speakers may preach from any literal translation of the Bible they prefer. (KJV, ESV, NIV, CSB, NLT, etc.) Our church predominately uses the ESV or CSB, but will accept any literal translation. We urge against using a paraphrase translation as the foundation of a sermon. (The Message, The Passion Translation, etc.)
5. If anything is needed for their presentation, we would appreciate a notice so that we can assist to the best of our ability.
6. Our media team appreciates if any PowerPoint presentations, or other computer needs, be sent to us by the Wednesday before their message.
Currently our order of service is:
From 1-1:25 we have a prayer service. Our worship service starts around 1:35 with an action song to help get some energy out of the younger kids. Then we have opening announcements and prayer followed by about 20 minutes of worship music (at the moment we have no live musicians, so we are using videos). After music, we welcome our speaker who then delivers their message. After the sermon, we have another prayer time, and then we dismiss. Depending on the speaker services are usually between an hour and 90 minutes.
Dates Available (as of February 6th at 8am)
February: No dates available
March: No dates available
April: 2,9,16,23
May: Every week available
June: 4,11,18
July and beyond: Every week available
For any additional comments or questions about being a guest speaker, please contact us via INFO@LT-LCA.ORG or call us at 812-637-2227.