Welcome to Liberty Temple Ministries
The mission of Liberty Temple is reaching the hearts and minds of individuals around the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, educating them in the teaching of the Holy Bible, and discipling them in prayer, worship, and evangelism.
“Church.” Whether you have grown up in one, never set foot in one or anywhere in between, you likely have some impression of the word. If I were to take this opportunity to try to define who or what we are, you would probably read it through the filter of your own life experience. Hasn't the church spent enough time trying to define itself with the best words and decorate itself with the prettiest images though?
Liberty Temple Ministries has a vision and a mission statement, and we have dedicated this place to God's Will as He shows us. However, we hope to define ourselves more by who we are than who we say we are. No one needs to be "good enough" for church. You don't have to fix every broken piece or clean up every mess to have a place. No matter what you believe about yourself, no matter where you are on your journey with God, you are exactly who Jesus died for.
We believe the church defines itself by its love. God is not waiting to punish you for every time you fall short in your life, He is waiting to pick you up after you fall. His church is not waiting to condemn you for those moments. We are just waiting for you... because those weak moments, those long days and longer nights, those imperfections, everything that has robbed you of your peace, your happiness, or your hope... those are the things God is asking for.
There is no application process at the door. There is no checklist of qualifications or expectations. We define ourselves by what God can do with our imperfection. We define our potential by what God can do with our lives, no matter how broken they may seem. Love does not come with conditions here. No matter how you have defined the "church" so far in your life, come and let our love define us.
Private Church- School Ministry for Grades K-12
Bible Study
Sometimes it seems like today’s culture is constantly challenging your faith. Without an understanding of the Bible’s core truths, how can you have confidence to share and defend your faith? Join us as we take a deep dive into the core of what the Bible teaches. By illustrating the pattern of God’s deepest truths, you will gain the understanding and confidence you need to share His story and love with the world. Everyone is welcome! (Childcare not provided.)
Tuesdays beginning April 2nd from 6-7:30PM